Salivary stones (sialolithiasis) are diagnosed in 0.007% of the population and are the most common cause of submandibular and parotid salivary glands obstruction. In the past, sialolithiasis was the leading cause of submandibular gland resection. The dynamic development of medical technology has greatly expanded the range of therapeutic options used in the treatment of salivary stones. The introduction of ultrasound and endoscopic techniques to the process of salivary stones diagnosis has greatly facilitated the identification of salivary stones. Endoscopic methods have made it possible to perform surgeries on the salivary glands in an almost atraumatic way. The use of laser devices, piezoelectric or magnetostrictive effect have enabled the efficient crushing of large salivary calculus deposits (sialolithotrypsis) and removal of stones fragments through the lumen of salivary duct. Modern therapeutic methods have reduced the number of sialoadenectomies to a minimum. In addition, these methods are characterized by a small number of serious complications and a very high success ratio, reaching up to 97%.
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