A majority of the Polish population was found to have vitamin D deficiency. The problem was expected to grow in the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic related lock down. The aim of the study was to compare concentrations of vitamin D in the blood sera of geriatric patients treated in outpatient clinics or hospitalized – and in the methods of treatment used. A retrospective study of the records of patients of the Rheumatology Outpatient Clinic and the Geriatrics Ward in Lublin was conducted.
In 2022, 80 people: 50 hospitalized women (HW) and 30 hospitalized men (HM) were admitted to the Geriatrics Ward in Lublin. Of these, 78 persons had vitamin D levels measured. From the Rheumatology Outpatient Clinic, medical histories of 68 outpatient women (OW) and 27 outpatient men (OM) 60+ were analyzed. In HW and HM, mean vitamin D concentration was 23 ng/ml and in OW and OM 25 ng/ml. The OW and OM with vitamin D concentration <30 received prescription for cholecacliferol 20 000 IU to be administered orally twice a week. The follow-up visit 2 was months later. Out of 47 OW, 17 came for the follow up and their results improved. Out of 21 OM, 100% returned, but their results were less satisfactory. The HW and HM received cholecalciferol 2000 IU. There was no follow-up.
In total, 41% of the outpatient elderly and 55% of the hospitalized had vitamin D concentration <20 ng/ml. Treatment of vitamin D deficiency with 20,000 IU cholecalciferol twice a week for two months is effective.
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