Any chosen analytical method should be subtle, precise, fast and exact to begin the guarantee that the material used in the manufacturing is free of unsolicited impurity, the existence of which may vary the safety and effectiveness of the drug product. The techniques of HPLC and UPLC have established their part in pharmaceutical cleaning validation. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is the main pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis approach utilized today because it generates highly efficient separations, and in most circumstances, it provides high detection sensitivity. Applying the HPLC method has several advantages compared to other methods, among others, specificity, rapidity, accuracy, precision, and the ease of automation. Due to the aforementioned, most drugs in a multi-component dosage form can be analyzed. Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) is a modern-day technique that gives a new track for liquid chromatography. UPLC provides the user with speed of application, resolution and sensitivity. The quantification and separation in UPLC are done under very high pressure (up to 100M Pa). High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) has improved and innovative separation efficacy and detection limits. It is a cultured and automated form of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and is based on the use of an optimized silica gel 60 with a significantly smaller particle size than which is used for TLC. The previously stated analytical methods are employed for purity control of chemicals, steroids, pesticides, and water analysis, water-soluble food dyes, vitamins, pesticides in vegetables, fruits, and other foodstuffs. The current updates in the techniques allow us to understand the increased utilization of these methods in the current eras.References
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