The growing increase in oral cavity cancer (OSCC) incidence constitutes a severe diagnostic-therapeutic problem – and early diagnosis, as well as medical treatment remain important priorities of maxillofacial oncology. The aim of this paper was to determine the reasons for delays in the diagnostics and treatment of oral cavity cancer patients. The study focused on 248 patients (=56.1 years) post-surgery, in which delays in diagnostics and treatment were reported. As for the causes, most frequently, in 171 cases (69.0%), patient delays were reported, in 56 cases, physician delays were observed, and in 21 cases (8.5%), organizational reasons were to blame. The median time period between the onset of the symptoms and seeking medical attention was 143 days. Time interval between the first contact with a doctor and commencement of oncological treatment was 33.2 days approximately. The majority of the patients were not aware of the oral cavity cancer risk. Misdiagnosis of symptoms as inflammation, as well as prolonged antibiotic therapy and diagnostics constitute main reasons for physician and organization-al/health care system delays. Raising patients’ awareness of cancer risk, as well as educational and promotional programs for physicians are the principal goals of a strategy aiming to enhance oral cancer diagnosis.References
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