Fructan-type polysaccharidescomes from natural sources and occur in a large variety of plants, where they play important biological roles as reserve carbohydrate. One of the most commonly distributed compound from this group – inulin has been part of human daily diet for hundreds of years, as it is found in many fruits and vegetables, among others, bananas, onions and wheat. The inulin-type fructans: inulin and fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are considered to be functional food elements, the consumption of which brings about health benefits. Indeed, inulin can be consumed to increase the dietary fiber content. Fructan compounds, inulin and fructooligosaccharides have a strong bifidogenic effect, and have a positive action on the gut microbiota. In this work, we preformed gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis ofErigeron annuusL. herb. The GC-MS analysis of carbohydrate composition confirmed the presence of free (arabinose, glucose, fructose 1, fructose 2) and fermented (arabinose, glucose, fructose 1, fructose 2, sucrose) carbohydrates at the quantity of 69.83 and 91.70 mg/g d.w., respectively.References
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