Chronic venous disease (CVD) is a common disease caused by hemodynamic disorders of the venous circulation in the lower extremities. The clinical image of this disease is complex and includes such signs as telangiectases, varicose veins, leg edema and skin changes, usually accompanied with ache, pain, tightness, heaviness, swelling and muscle cramps of legs. Venous ulcers develop in the advanced stages of the disease and lead to significant impairment of patient abilities and reduction of the quality of life. CVD is diagnosed based on physical and image examinations, and main treatment options include compression therapy, invasive treatments like endovenous ablation and foam sclerotherapy, as well as pharmacotherapy. Currently, there is no biochemical and molecular biomarkers utilized in diagnosis or treatment of CVD. With regard to this situation, one of the most investigated fields for identification of disease biomarkers is microRNA (miRNA). These constitute a pool of small, non-coding RNAs that play crucial roles in maintaining cellular homeostasis through posttranscriptional regulation of genes expression. Dysregulations of miRNA expression profiles have been found in patients with various diseases, and this situation provides information about potential miRNA signatures involved in pathophysiology. In this review, the studies focused on investigations of miRNA expression patterns in patients with CVD were collected. The performed literature analysis provides contemporary knowledge in the field of miRNA-dependent mechanisms involved in the etiopathogenesis of CVD and shows gaps that need to be filled in further studies.References
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