Aesthetic medicine is an intensively developing field, more and more focused on stimulating and regenerating the skin, rather than on emergency treatment. There are many methods used by doctors for biostimulating therapies, but the most popular procedure in recent years is the implantation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) used to date successfully in ophthalmology, dermatology, surgery, dentistry and even in orthopedics. The procedure uses autologous material, and its essence is a repair action on damaged cells of the patient as well as the activation of healthy cells and their stimulation for more effective work. The aim of the paper is to present current knowledge about platelet-rich plasma therapy in anti-aging treatment, the effectiveness of therapy with its use, and the mechanism and safety of PRP. The composition of the autologous preparation and its use in aesthetic medicine were also analyzed.
PRP is a procedure that uses the patient’s own cells, and growth factors are of key importance in the process of skin regeneration and biostimulation. The correctly performed procedure, including the appropriate collection and administration of a buffy coat to the patient and compliance with all the rules of sterility, results in positive effects of the therapy. Numerous studies prove the effectiveness and safety of the platelet-rich plasma treatment.
Highly concentrated platelets in the deposited preparation stimulate the surrounding cells to angiogenesis, differentiation, proliferation and synthesis of components essential for remodeling of the treated area. The therapy is highly effective and safe to use.
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