Bladder cancer (BC) is a worldwide common disease with a high mortality rate. Recognizing the dynamic changes in plasma that proteases and their inhibitors undergo might be valuable in understanding the carcinogenesis of invasive bladder cancer and in identifying BC patients with poor prognosis. This study aims to determine the activity of the proteolytic enzyme system and their inhibitors in patients with BC. In this paper, the total proteolytic activity, the activity of matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) and serine proteases was analyzed by the method of caseinolytic activity. For detection of activity of some inhibitors of proteolysis, we used the unified method for determining the activity of alpha-1-antitrypsin (α1A) and alpha-2-Macroglobulin (α2M) in human plasma. The level of medium-mass molecules (MMM) was assessed spectrophotometrically by applying the Nikolaichik method.
The activity of MMPs was elevated in all groups of patients. Moreover, the activity of serine proteases was found to be enhanced in patients with Stage I, III and IV BC, while the activity of α1A was up by 1.4 and 1.3 times in patients with Stage I and Stage IV. The most significant increase was observed with regard to the activity of α2M in patients with I and III stages of BC. In addition, the level of MMM correlated with cancer stage. Indeed, the highest increase in the activity of protease inhibitors was observed in Stage I bladder cancer patients, which might signify their protective role at the onset of the bladder carcinogenesis. In contrast, significant growth in activity of α2M in patients with III stage of BC may point at a compensatory mechanism that inhibits tumor growth.
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