Liver damage is a common problem all over the world. To optimize the drug provision in the limited financing of the Health Care System, it is necessary to develop new drugs with hepatoprotective properties that are highly effective and of low cost. That is why we developed the original drug Lavaflam. Lavaflam is a combination of the following substances: dry concentrate of Helichrysum arenarium and Lavender oil. The purpose of the research was to assess the biochemical evidence of the hepatoprotective properties of the drug Lavaflam on the experimental model of subchronic hepatitis in rats. Construction of an experimental model of subchronic hepatitis in rats, comparison of hepatoprotective properties of Lavaflam and Carsil preparations on the basis of biochemical research.
The subject of the study was to determine the hepatoprotective properties of Lavaflam tablets. Experimental subchronic hepatitis induced in rats by way of intragastrical introduction of tetrachlormethane. The study drug Lavaflam in this experimental model of subchronic tetrachlormethane hepatitis in rats showed a positive effect on oxidant processes by increasing the compensatory mechanisms of antioxidant systems; inhibiting free radical pathology; having positive effect on the processes of biliary excretion, cholestasis, reduction of infiltrative, destructive and inflammatory process in the liver; decreasing the cytolytic process; restoring the structure of the membrane components of hepatocytes; stabilizing and enhancing functional activity of the liver; restoring its protein-synthetic function; and increasing the ability of the drug Lavaflam to restore metabolic and liver damage.
As a result of the performed biochemical study of the hepatoprotective action of Lavaflam, it has been found that in the developed drug Lavaflam, the level of hepatoprotective action corresponds with the reference drug Carsil.
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