Mechanical properties of materials used for temporary fixed dentures – in vitro study


dental materials
provisional materials
flexural strength


Objectives. The objective of the research was to define the mechanical properties of currently marketed temporary filling materials.

Methods. Eight temporary filling materials: Boston, Dentalon, Protemp II, Revotek LC, Structure 2, Structure 3, UniFast LC, UniFast Trad were used to make 5 samples each of measurements 2 × 2 × 25 mm, in order to define the flexural strength, and 10 rings each of measurements 2 × 5 mm, in order to carry out the Vickers micro-hardness test. After preparation, the samples were stored in distilled water of temperature of 370°C, for 7 days. Subsequently, flexural strength and Vickers hardness testing was undertaken.

Results. Composite temporary materials showed considerably better mechanical properties, both in flexural strength and in Vickers micro-hardness testing.

Conclusions. the best mechanical properties, both in terms of flexural strength, as well as Vickers micro-hardness test can be observe among composite materials.



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