Objectives. The objective of the research was to define the mechanical properties of currently marketed temporary filling materials.
Methods. Eight temporary filling materials: Boston, Dentalon, Protemp II, Revotek LC, Structure 2, Structure 3, UniFast LC, UniFast Trad were used to make 5 samples each of measurements 2 × 2 × 25 mm, in order to define the flexural strength, and 10 rings each of measurements 2 × 5 mm, in order to carry out the Vickers micro-hardness test. After preparation, the samples were stored in distilled water of temperature of 370°C, for 7 days. Subsequently, flexural strength and Vickers hardness testing was undertaken.
Results. Composite temporary materials showed considerably better mechanical properties, both in flexural strength and in Vickers micro-hardness testing.
Conclusions. the best mechanical properties, both in terms of flexural strength, as well as Vickers micro-hardness test can be observe among composite materials.
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