Energy drinks (ED), containing caffeine, taurine and another substances, are one of the more frequently used legal stimulants. Still, because these can endanger consumers’ health, it is thought that their marketing should be legally controlled.
In our study, we analyzed the frequency of energy drink consumption, as well as the knowledge held about these drinks among medicine and dentistry students of the Medical University of Lublin. In the study, 131 students participated, and the study was done in the form of a survey. The results of this indicate that 81 students (61.83%) declared a daily consumption, and most respondents (78.48%) stated at least a one time consumption of 250 to 749 ml of energy drink. What is more, 26.25% of respondents combined ED with other substances, most frequently with coffee and alcohol. Regarding knowledge of ED effects, contents and side effects, more males than females actively sought and held this information. Furthermore, more than half of all respondents believed that the availability of EDs in Poland should be limited.
Our study showed that the awareness of the effects and mechanisms of action of EDs, among the questioned students is relatively high. Nevertheless, they frequently consume EDs and combine these with other stimulants.
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