This current study examined patients with severe chronic heart failure (CHF) in order to ascertain the held vitamin D, based on an assessment of calcidiol [25(OH)D] concentration. It also identified and evaluated possible correlations between 25(OH)D level and the concentration of total calcium, inorganic phosphates and creatinine concentration in their serum. Herein, venous blood samples were taken from 36 patients with CHF. Diagnosis was confirmed by echocardiographic, as well as by electrocardiographic examinations. In this work, the control group consisted of 41 randomly selected healthy individuals. The results of our study showed that CHF patients had significantly lower concentration of 25(OH)D, as well as total calcium and inorganic phosphates. Moreover, mean creatinine concentration was higher, in comparison to the control group, but did not exhibit statistical significance. As calcium-phosphate homeostasis is regulated by numerous factors, including PTH, neurohormonal factors and calcitriol (1,25(OH)2D), it is possible that vitamin D deficiency may play a significant role in the pathomechanism of CHF, and a lowered 25(OH)D level may be related to progression of the disease.References
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