Demographic variability indicators of somatically healthy men from different administrative and territorial regions of Ukraine


administrative-territorial regions of Ukraine


Our work has revealed a rather low level of similarity in regard to the finger dermatoglyphics of somatically healthy men, 19-35 years old, between Ukraine’s north and west, north and south, center and west, center and south, as well as the palmar dermatoglyphics between central regions and the east, center and west, center and south. The obtained finger/palmar dermatoglyphics did not differentiate administrative-territorial local groups of men between the north and the center, south and west (quantitative characteristics); or palmar – between the north and west, north and east, south and west, south and east, north and center. The differences between the administrative and territorial division of dermatoglyphic signs are a reflection of the historical and cultural differences induced by migration, as well as the intensive process of mixing, in addition to the isolation of particular groups.


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