Current Issue
ISSN: 1730-1912
e-ISSN: 2450-646X
The journal Nursing in the 21st Century has been regularly published since 2002. Nursing in the 21st Century is issued quarterly, and the subject matter of the published articles includes: nursing, midwifery and other health sciences.
According to the list of scientific journals prepared by the Ministry of Science and Education from 17th July 2023, Nursing in the 21st Century obtained 40 points. The journal is indexed in the prestigious databases ERIH PLUS, SCOPUS, Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citaiton Index. In Index Copernicus, Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for the year 2023 is equal to 152.00 points.
Journal Metrics: Impact Factor 0.2; JCI 0.09; Cite Score 0.4; SJR 0.135; SNIP 0.145; MEiN 40; ICV 152,00.
Purchase of the archival edition (2017-2021) in paperback: online via eKiosk.