Relationship between the quality of life and the meaning of life in cancer patient
Relationship between the quality of life and the meaning of life in cancer patient.pdf


quality of life
meaning of life
cancer patients



Aim. The goal of the study was focused on examining the impact of meaningfulness of life on the quality of life in cancer patients.

Methods. The selection of respondents was deliberate. The study involved together one hundred cancer patients undergoing anticancer therapy (chemotherapy, radiotherapy) in cancer care centers in the Prešov and Košice regions. We used two standardized World Health Organisation questionnaires WHOQOL-BREF 26 and The Life Meaningfulness Scale (LMS).

Results. The results show statistical significance (p <.001) between LMS dimensions and total score of LMS, a positive correlation (p <.001) was found between the dimensions of the LMS and factors - religiosity, social support, older age, female gender. A higher sense of life our sample was observable in the population of women with cancer, in patients with a higher level of social support and in religious patients. A positive correlation was recorded in terms of the meaning of life impact on the quality of life in relation to overall score LMS and in relation to Domain 2 Survival as well as Domain 3 Social relationships (p <.05) and Q2 Satisfaction with health (p <.001).

Conclusions. The study indicates the presence of relationship between the quality of life and the meaning of life in cancer patients. The results could form the basis for implementing strategies in oncological nursing practice.

Relationship between the quality of life and the meaning of life in cancer patient.pdf


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