Aim. The first issue of Nursing in the 21st Century was published in 2002. The journal is dedicated to provide information on innovations in nursing, midwifery, as well as other health sciences. It includes peer-reviewed meta-analyses and review papers, original research studies on nursing and related areas, case reports, as well as discussions, comments, and reviews. The study aimed to perform a quantitative and qualitative analysis of articles published in Nursing In the 21st Century.
Materials and methods. In the study, the authors looked at a total of 247 articles published between 2010 and 2015.
Results. As many as 247 articles were published in 19 issues of Nursing In the 21st Century during the period that the authors looked at. There were some 13 articles per every single issue on average. Original papers and meta-analyses were most frequently published types of publication. There were also other types of articles, like reports, communications, reviews, and case studies but they were only a tiny fraction of the overall number of publications.
Conclusion. Authors’ review of the articles published in the journal revealed a clear tendency to issue specialist and clinical publications on nursing.
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