Aim. Nurses can provide remote nursing care without the patient being physically present in a clinical setting, especially in the areas of tele-education, counselling, and telemonitoring. The goal was to create and implement the tele-education program of physical activity for mothers after a caesarean section and analyse its impact on their physical condition.
Material and methods. The sample consisted of 411 participants with an average age of 31 years old. It was a quasi-experiment. To evaluate the effect of the tele-education program a self-constructed questionnaire was used. Data were processed using the
Chi-square test and Cramer’s V.
Results. Statistically significant relationships were found between participation in the tele-education program and better physical condition of mothers after a caesarean section, specifically in terms of pain occurrence, wound healing, and gastrointestinal comfort.
Conclusions. The findings indicate the benefits of tele-education in gynaecological-obstetric nursing, suggesting that the development of telenursing is desirable and can contribute to increasing its accessibility, thereby affecting the quality of nursing care and satisfaction of mothers post-caesarean section.
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