Incorporating smart digital and humanoid technologies in older adults care enhancing employee sustainability


digital technologies
working ability
institutional care of the elderly adults



Aim. This article investigates the potential impact of integrating DT and robots in ICE. By reducing absenteeism, supporting new employees, and improving job satisfaction among caregivers, we aim to highlight the significant benefits these technologies can bring to the workforce in the older adult care sector.

Material and methods. An integrative literature review was conducted following PRISMA guidelines, with searches in databases like Web of Science, PubMed, and COBISS using specific keywords related to DT and robots in ICE. Relevant articles were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Results. The review identified 48 relevant articles, with 7 meeting inclusion criteria. Findings suggest that integrating DT and robots in ICE can improve job satisfaction, support learning and skill development, and enhance organizational support for caregivers. 

Conclusions. Research indicates that digital technologies and robots can significantly impact work ability, yet much remains to be explored. Their integration holds potential to reduce absenteeism and boost job satisfaction, but it also brings challenges such as justifying investments and addressing staff concerns. Understanding their effects on employee health is essential, and further research is needed on multicultural team dynamics and public health system sustainability. Studying implementation challenges, especially in developing countries, is an ongoing process that requires continued investigation.



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