Nursing care of a patient with sarcoidosis. Case study using ICNP®
Nursing care of a patient with sarcoidosis.pdf


nursing care
ICNP® dictionary



Introduction. Sarcoidosis is a rare, multi-organ disease of unknown etiology, characterized by the formation of granulomas mainly in the respiratory system.

Aim. The aim of the study is to present a plan of care for patients with sarcoidosis, including International Classification for Nursing Practice – ICNP® terminology.

Material and methods. The study was conducted in April 2019 at the Internal Disease Unit of the 7th Polish Navy Hospital in Gdansk, and included a 54-year-old patient hospitalized for sarcoidosis. The research employed the case study method and the technique of the interview, observation, analysis of medical records and measurements. The C-HOBIC data set was used to assess the patient’s condition.

Results and conclusions. The reasons for the patient’s admission to the hospital were a continued raised temperature, erythema, as well as joint pain. The assessment and analysis of a patient’s status allowed us to formulate seven nursing diagnoses characteristic for sarcoidosis, which included: arthritis pain, functional dyspnoea, fever, impaired active range of motion, fatigue, risk for medication side effect and lack of knowledge of disease and 2 diagnoses resulting from the lifestyle of the patient: tobacco abuse and overweight. The process of nursing care planning included interventions fundamental for the above-mentioned diagnoses. They concerned the monitoring of symptoms and health indices, the patient’s knowledge, as well as the role of the nurse in the therapeutic process. The ICNP dictionary includes a sufficient range of terms, which allows the creation of a satisfactory nursing care plan for a patient with sarcoidosis.

Nursing care of a patient with sarcoidosis.pdf


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