Aim. The purpose of the study is to identify the connection between high blood pressure and PWV in patients with AH and determine if AH is a risk factor that accelerates the development of atherosclerosis.
Material and methods. With quantitative research method we investigated, explained, and defi ned the eff ects of arterial hypertension with the PWV increase‐rate observed across diff erent age groups of patients who already have AH. Data from patients’ medical records from the At Cor Sphygmocor operating system were extracted.
Results. The sample included 191 patients with AH. PWV values were normal in 72% of patients with optimal blood pressure (BP), 60% of patients with normal BP had increased PWV in high normal BP and grade 1 AH were 53% of increased PWV, 53% of normal PWV in grade 2 AH, increased in 94% in grade 3 AH, and 50% of patients had increased PWV values in isolated systolic AH.
Conclusions. The research results undoubtedly show the importance of arterial hypertension for the increase in pulse wave velocity, with the clearest correlation at grade 3 AH and in the age groups between 30 and 49 years. On average, the PWV value in hypertensive patients rose by 8%, which represents an increased risk of cardiovascular complications.
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