Introduction. The issue of high-risk pregnancy has been widely discussed in the recent years. As a result, many countries have introduced programs to improve perinatal care in order to meet the needs of pregnant women as well as those going into labour. Much less attention was dedicated to health and social circumstances of women in the postpartum period. The World Health Organisation developed a document (WHO Recommendations on Postnatal Care of the Mother and Newborn, 2013) in which it clearly defines recommendations formulated for the professionals who are care providers to the child and the mother after birth. The authors of the report indicate that the postnatal period is crucial for both the mothers and their children, and the lack of proper care given to them may lead to deterioration of their health and even death. According to the code of professional practice, the Polish midwife identifies and determines individuals’ requirements as well as health needs, recognizes nursing difficulties, and, effectively plans and oversees their care. The Polish guideline for the highest standard of medical care during pregnancy, the delivery, the postpartum period and the neonatal care is the Regulation of the Health Minister from 20th September 2012.
Aim. This paper collected current and adopted recommendations regarding postpartum care with an emphasis on the significant role of the midwife.
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