Care for pregnant and postpartum woman with cerebral palsy
Care for pregnant and postpartum woman with cerebral palsy.pdf


Cerebral palsy



Introduction. Disabled women are often overlooked when it comes to procreation plans and encounter social misunderstanding and lack of support. In addition, their sexual needs are often marginalized. It means that education and professional care of midwives and doctors are necessary to put flesh on problem.

Aim. The aim of the work is to present knowledge and familiarize with the subject of perinatal care for a woman with a disability based on an individual case study.

Method. For the purposes of this study, the qualitative research method “study case” was used, containing a description of the patient’s obstetric and clinical condition, aimed at its in-depth analysis and assessment. The patient’s informed consent to participate in the study was obtained. C-Hobic care outcome indicators were also used to describe the case. ICNP® reference terminology was used to develop care plans.

Summary. Taking care of a patient with cerebral palsy, the midwife undertakes numerous interventions in the field of education of both the woman and the whole family. The overriding goal is to increase the woman’s independence, increase her confidence that she will be able to take care of a newborn and improve her competence in self-care. Due to the constant progress in maternal-fetal medicine, further research is needed on preconception and perinatal care for patients with CP.

Care for pregnant and postpartum woman with cerebral palsy.pdf


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