Quality of life after cataract surgery - subjective assessment of patients



Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the subjective quality of life of patients after cataract surgery.

Material and methods. The study included 101 patients of the Non-Public Health Care Center “VISUS” in Bychawa - One Day Surgery Department after a cataract surgery. They were women and men aged 26 to 92 years. About 86% of respondents were also diagnosed with other comorbidities. For the purpose of the study, a tool was constructed based on the WHOQOL-Bref questionnaire in the Polish adaptation, correlated with the personal questionnaire.

Results. The analysis of the studies showed that over 52% of the patients after cataract surgery considered the overall assessment of their quality of life as good. Among them, 39% were satisfied with their health. The worst assessed was the psychological field, preferably social and environmental. Women rated their quality of life and health slightly better. There is a strong correlation between the decline in quality of life with age and the number of comorbidities.

Conclusions. The quality of life decreases with age. Most of the patients who have undergone cataract surgery are satisfied with the quality of life. Cataract surgery improves the quality of life of patients.

Quality of life after cataract surgery – subjective assessment of patients.pdf


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