Prevention of loneliness and social isolation as a factor determining the health of a senior



Introduction. Loneliness is considered a disease of affluence. It is a mixture of lack of acceptance, rejection and unpleasant experiences. It is accompanied by disappointment, unhappiness and pessimism. The consequences of loneliness can be seen in the psyche and physical ailments.

Aim. Demonstrating the impact of loneliness on the health of the elderly and possible interventions for entertainment in the prevention of loneliness of the elderly.

Methodology. Literature was classified into the analysis, from which the content regarding the influence of loneliness on health of elderly and selected preventive interventions of the discussing phenomena.

Conclusions. Loneliness results in the deterioration of the condition of the elderly, increases stress level in the body and the risk of depression. The ways of fighting with loneliness include education, participation in the Universities of the Third Age and activity in the senior clubs.

Prevention of loneliness and social isolation as a factor determining the health of a senior.pdf


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