Selected aspects of patients’ functioning before and after desensitization with specific allergen immunotherapy



Introduction. Allergic diseases belong to the most important health problems responsible for the incidence of various types of discomfort. The application of specific allergen therapy (SAI) is becoming a more and more frequent method aimed at treating allergic diseases. However, this approach requires a strict adherence to medical treatment, which may affect patients’ quality of life.

Aim. Assessment of quality of life and everyday functioning in the group of patients who underwent a specific allergen therapy.

Material and methods. The study group consisted of 80 adult patients who decided to undergo SAI treatment and were treated in two health care facilities in Małopolska region. The study included an assessment of life quality and selected aspects of functioning (as well as their retrospective assessment). As far as the applied methods are concerned, the study was based on the authors’ own questionnaire and an abbreviated version of the World Organization Quality of Life-BREF questionnaire.

Results. SAI treatment made it possible to reduce both the incidence (Me=4.00 to 2.00; p<0.001) and intensity (Me=4.00 to 2.00; p<0.001) of allergic symptoms. Also the discomfort caused by the allergy was decreased (Me=4.00 to 2.00; p<0.001). Moreover, some improvement in general well-being (Me=4.00 to 5.00; p<0.001) and life satisfaction (Me=4.00 to 5.00; p<0.001) was observed.

Conclusions. Specific allergen immunotherapy seems to be worth considering as it improves patients’ life satisfaction and reduces discomfort caused by the allergy itself.

Selected aspects of patients’ functioning before and after desensitization with specific allergen immunotherapy.pdf


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