Health problems of the patient after oncological treatment for osteosarcoma with persistent thymus
Health problems of the patient after oncological treatment for osteosarcoma with persistent thymus.pdf


thymus gland
nursing process



Introduction. Bone sarcomas, as rare tumour types, constitute only about 1% of malignant tumours. The treatment process is an additional burden on the human body, especially at a young age. The surgery has a long-term eff ect on the patient’s mobili ty and requires great eff ort and motivation to regain physical fi tness. The discomfort resulting from having a persistent thymus gland makes it signifi cantly more diffi cult for patients to return to their precancerous state.

Aim. The aim of this study is to diagnose the patient’s health problems resulting from the presence of persistent thymus gland and a history of oncological treatment for osteosarcoma, together with the presentation of measures to improve functioning in daily life.

Material and methods. The research method of the individual case study and the research techniques used were: interview, observation, measurement and analysis of medical records. Additionally, 9 scales were used, which allowed for a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s health status.

Results and summary. The following health problems were identifi ed: dyspnoea, cough, muscle weakness, pain in the spine and left lower limb, dizziness and fatigue. Close cooperation of the interdisciplinary team, the patient and her relatives and a holistic approach is the key to developing an eff ective care plan together with tailoring such therapeutic and caring activities that increase the patient’s comfort of life.

Health problems of the patient after oncological treatment for osteosarcoma with persistent thymus.pdf


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