Knowledge and skills in chest auscultation among nurses
Knowledge and skills in chest auscultation among nurses.pdf


chest auscultation
physical examination



Introduction. Medical history and physical examination are basic elements allowing nurses to assess patients’ health. The ability to auscultate the chest in combination with anatomical and physiological knowledge constitute a quick and reliable method of differentiation and diagnosis of many diseases.

Aim. The aim of the study was to assess knowledge and skills in the field of chest auscultation among nursing staff.

Material and method. A prospective, pilot observational study was conducted on a group of 51 nurses. The level of knowledge and skills in the fi eld of chest auscultation and independence in undertaking this activity in professional work were assessed. The knowledge test developed by the author, survey questionnaire and SimScope 360-3400 trainer were used. P<0.05 value was considered statistically significant.

Results. Lack of chest auscultation skills was observed in 10% of the respondents, although none of them revealed lack of knowledge in this respect (p<0.001). Higher level of knowledge correlated with higher level of skills of the respondents, while a lower level of knowledge conditioned a lower level of skills (p=0.049). In the respondents’ opinion, auscultation of the lungs and heart are activities performed only by a doctor.

Conclusions. Despite a moderate level of knowledge and skills in the field of chest auscultation, nursing staff do not use physical examination techniques in their daily work.

Knowledge and skills in chest auscultation among nurses.pdf


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