Introduction. Cancer and its treatment can cause serious mental and physical disorders that greatly limit the autonomy and independence of patients and reduce their quality of life. Mastectomy violates woman‘s image both in their self-assessment and in their public reception. Among the consequences after mastectomy, there are problems in the physical sphere, which reduce everyday activities, there also appear problems with the mental state associated with the reduction of the sense of feminity.
Aim. The aim of the study was to identify health concerns of women after mastectomy.
Material and methods. The study included 40 randomly selected women after mastectomy aged over 20. The research tool used in the study was the original survey, consisting of 28 questions. The questions were designed in order to gather information about the health concerns of women after mastectomy. The analysis was performed using Statistica software.
Results. The disease changed for worse lives in 55% of women after mastectomy; 35% reported no impact and 10% of respondents admitted that the disease changed their lives for the better. The number of 22.5% of interviewees complained of frequently occurring low mood, depression and sadness, while 52.5% have experienced these emotions sometimes. Approximately 90% of respondents have been using a breast prosthesis after mastectomy. As many as 72.5% of women reported decrease in physical fitness after surgery, while 27.5% did not experience any change.
Conclusions. The mastectomy procedure has a negative impact on physical and emotional state of women.
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