Introduction. In the aging process a weakening of the multiple organ systems and endocrine system occur, which in turn, leads to male hormones deficiency – androgens release, including testosterone. It is believed that the year-to-year, women awareness of the menopausal problems increases, however, their knowledge of the consequences of menopause is still insufficient. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of the population is aware that the same problem can also affect men. Male menopause symptoms are still largely an area of social taboo subject, which is not discussed at all or very little. As a consequence, men are not informed, enlightened, and therefore also ready for the changes that are to take place in themselves and their lives.
Aim. To develop a standard nurses preparation for diagnostic and education procedure concerning the aging man.
Methods. The standard was created with recommendations of The European Quality Assurance Network.
Results. The development of diagnostic and education procedure for nurses in the realm of identifying symptoms of male aging.
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