Obesity in children - a problem of the contemporary civilization



Introduction. In the recent thirty years obesity has become one of the most serious and still increasing health problems among children and adults in the world. Scientific magazines inform about world obesity epidemic. Lack of physical activity, excessive energy supply compared to needs of organism, as well as bad eating habits, have made obesity a civilization disease. Excess weight and obesity lead to premature atherosclerosis development and consequently, to other cardiovascular diseases such as arterial hypertension, thrombosis, cardiac insufficiency, hyperlipemia.

Aim. The aim of the thesis is to present, on the basis of literature, the most important factors which can lead to obesity in children.

1. Among the most important aspects which can lead to obesity in children the following factors can be mentioned:

  • genetic factors - it is probable that mutations within many genes connected with energy efficiency regulation of an organism are responsible for the genetic tendency to being obese
  • environmental factors - there is another fact that together with technological development, the level of physical activity has decreased
  • psychological factors, like stress, fear, failures at school, family and peer conflicts have become the reasons for compulsive behaviour which lead to excessive consumption of highly processed foods

2. Obesity results in lowering the quality of life in a significant way.

Obesity in children - a problem of the contemporary civilization.pdf


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