Child’s problems with Synovial Sarcoma – case study
Child’s problems with Synovial Sarcoma.pdf


case study



Introduction. Soft tissue sarcomas are a heterogeneous group of malignant tumors derived from the embryonic mesenchymal and neuroectodermal tissue. In Poland, they constitute about 7% of all childhood malignant tumors and represent the fifth group of the most common tumorous under the age of 16 after leukemia, central nervous system tumor, lymphoma and neuroblastoma. When starting treatment of a child with cancer, the following points should be taken into account: the type, localization and size of cancer with its dynamics and the stage of disease, the general condition and the age of a patient. The contemporary treatment of patients with malignant tumor is combined and multi-profile. This treatment consists of multidrug chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy, rehabilitation and palliative care.

In order to analyze care problems of a child with malignant tumor, we present the case of a girl with Synovial Sarcoma who was diagnosed after a year and a half since the first symptoms have occurred. It had a significant impact on the girl’s health condition, emotional and social development as well as on the functioning of her whole family.

Aim. The aim of the study was to present the problem associated with a care of a child with malignant tumor based on the analysis of a chosen clinical occurrence.

Material and methods. Analysis of medical records of the child was diagnosed thenar tumor of the left hand Synovial Sarcoma and the anamnestic interview with the family.

Results and conclusions. Problems of the child diagnosed with cancer are significantly associated with somatic symptoms of the disease such as pain, or complications of chemotherapy. Equally important are the issues related to child mental sphere. A difficult problem is anxiety and impaired sense of security, particularly in cases when the diagnosis process is very long.

Child’s problems with Synovial Sarcoma.pdf


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