Activities of Medical Emergency Teams with the patients in the material of Regional Directorate of Emergency Medical Services in Lublin
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emergency medicine
medical emergency team
qualified first aid



Introduction. Medical Emergency Teams (MET) are units of Medical Rescue System responsible for providing on-scene medical rescue.

Aim. The aim of the study was to evaluate activities of Medical Emergency Teams with the patient and analysis of the impact of the type of MET, a mode of response for an emergency vehicle responding to a call, the team leader, an event location, substations and a diagnosis on the activities of Medical Emergency Teams.

Material and Methods. A retrospective analysis of medical records obtained from specialist and basic Medical Emergency Teams (METs) were used in this study. The analysis included a total of 1624 interventions of METs.

Results. Specialist METs more often provided aid on scene followed by transportation to hospital in compare to basic ones- worked mostly in a “scoop and run” model. Alarm mode interventions more often required treatment on-site followed by transportation to hospital compared with urgent and normal ones. Physicians more frequently provided rescue activities on-site and then transported patients to hospital in compare to emergency nurses and paramedics. Nurses definitely less frequently decided to do procedures solely on-scene comparing with paramedics and physicians. In rural areas patients more frequently were given aid solely on-scene than in the city Injured or intoxicated patients, unlike those suffering from a certain disease, were less frequently provided on-scene treatment, as they were mostly transported to a hospital.

Conclusions. There are various factor affecting EMS’ way s of handling with the patient: a kind of MET, response mode, profession of a team leader, location of an event and reason for calls.

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