Introduction. Perimenopausal period is a time when numerous biological and psychological changes occur to women. This might be a particularly difficult time, since there are also numerous social changes happening. Every female undergoing these changes could expect support from others, which may be conditioned by various factors.
Aim. An analysis of both the level and type of social support, depending on the socio-demographic characteristics of women at perimenopausal age.
Material and methods. The study covered 268 women at perimenopausal age. The qualification criteria were as follows: age 45-55, lack of mental disorders, no diseases requiring hospitalization during the period of study. The study was conducted using the Social Support Scale by Kmiecik-Baran and a questionnaire designed by the authors of this work.
Results. The authors’ own study looking at the level and type of support that women receive showed that age, education level, and marital status did not affect the level of social support the women received. This pertains both to the overall and detailed evaluation, with the division into particular types of support received by respondents (informative, instrumental, evaluative, emotional.
Conclusions. The women looked at in the study received social support at an average level, irrespective of its type. There was no correlation between the age, education or marital status and the type of support they received.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Katarzyna Kanadys, Magdalena Lewicka, Magdalena Sulima, Henryk Wiktor (Autor)