Introduction. This paper presents an analysis of students’ knowledge about respiratory physiotherapy. All study participants were students of Nursing and Midwifery at the Medical University of Lodz. Group I included 40 students in their third year of studies, whilst group II included 40 actively working nurses and midwives, attending bridging undergraduate courses.
Aim. The aim of the study was to measure the level of respondents’ knowledge about the physiology of breathing and postural drainage, as well as to assess whether the respondents’ knowledge about different kinds of respiratory physiotherapy is sufficient for their daily nursing practice.
Material and methods. The test was conducted using a one-time, original diagnostic survey. An unbalanced, partially standardized questionnaire was used. The level of knowledge of respiratory physiotherapy and its applications among students of both groups can be rated as average. Nevertheless, full-time students had much wider theoretical knowledge of respiratory physiotherapy than students of the bridging undergraduate courses.
Conclusions. Checking the level of knowledge among the students of bridging undergraduate courses in both nursing and midwifery proves that they have sufficient knowledge for their daily nursing practice. On the other hand, full-time nursing and midwifery students do not have sufficient knowledge about respiratory physiotherapy. This means, they should complement their knowledge prior to taking a job in the field.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ewa Szczepaniak-Kucharska, Andrzej Zieliński (Autor)