Overweight and obesity among children at the age of six in Łazy
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Aim. The aim of this study was to obtain data showing the prevalence of overweight and obesity among six-year-olds in Łazy.

Material and methods. The study involving anthropometric measurements was performed in the group of all six-year-olds attending various schools in Łazy.

Results. In a population of six-years-olds in Łazy, 17 out of 102 surveyed individuals are overweight (16.7%). The percentage of the overweight children was as follows: 41% girls and 59% boys. A population of six-year-olds living in Łazy comprised of 17 obese children (16.7%). Most of them are boys (82%) whilst girls only make 18% of them.

Conclusions. Among the population of six-year-olds in Łazy, there are more obese boys than girls. In the urban area of Łazy Township, every second boy is overweight, as well as every fourth girl. In the rural areas of Łazy Township, the number of obese children is lower by one-third. 

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Copyright (c) 2024 Urszula Łaciak, Wiesława Kołodziej (Autor)