The preparation of a selected parents population to take care of the child with asthma
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bronchial asthma
parents education



Aim of the Study. Asthma is considered as an increasingly frequent chronic disease affecting children and adults. Both the treatment processes and the overall progress in child treatment are hugely dependent on healthcare quality, as well as parents’ engagement.

Material and Methodology. The aim of the research was to look into the major problem concerning daily care and raising the awareness among parents of asthma in children. A questionnaire was handed out to parents of children diagnosed with asthma. The research was conducted at the Provincial Centre of Paediatrics “Kubalonka” in Istebna. The survey group consisted of 103 parents. The correlation and differences between groups were defined using the ANOVA analysis. The statistical analysis was conducted with STATISTICA 10.0.

Results. The findings of the study show that parents have sufficient knowledge about asthma and they tend to take the right measures aimed at eliminating allergens. Yet, there is a need to broaden the parents’ knowledge in the following fields: observation, early diagnosis, procedures in case of an exacerbation of the disease, as well as performing some breathing exercises.

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