Lifestyle and eating habits of the high school students
lifestyle, high school youth, health educationAbstract
Introduction. The youth is a group particularly prone to follow trends concerning nutrition and lifestyle. When studying the habits of this age group, it is possible to evaluate its members’ knowledge concerning health behaviours, determine possible deficiencies and suggest appropriate educational programmes resulting in improvement of eating habits and physical activity, and consequently, in longer life in good health.
Aim. Lifestyle and eating habits of the high school students identification and analysis of those results in terms of future health condition and health education of the youth.
Material and methods. Anonymous survey study was conducted in electronic form among the students attending high schools and technical high schools all over Poland. The study was conducted with an authors’ survey questionnaire (Google form) filled in via the Internet. The questionnaire mainly included closed questions verifying habits connected with eating, physical activity, using stimulants, and metrics (age, sex, voivodeship, size of the place of living, type of school). Statistical analysis was made with the use of Statistica software.
Conclusions. The majority of youth has good habits concerning physical activity and beverages consumption, moreover, smoking is not a frequent habit in this group. What needs to be done, is to raise the youth’s awareness about appropriate carbohydrates consumption as well as about regularity and diversity of meals.
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