The attitude of students of Lublin universities to vaccination in the COVID-19 period
vaccination, COVID-19 pandemic, adverse reaction to vaccinationAbstract
Introduction. Vaccines are one of the greatest achievements of modern medicine. The compulsory vaccination schedule was introduced in Poland in the 1950s. Vaccinations are sometimes followed by adverse effects (ARV). The most common symptoms of ARV are swelling, redness and soreness at the injection site, usually lasting up to 24 hours after vaccination.
Aim. The aim of our study was to check the attitude of students of Lublin universities to vaccination in the COVID-19 period.
Material and methods. In December 2020 we conducted an anonymous and voluntary survey. It was uploaded and shared on the Google online survey platform. A total of 75 students participated in the study.
Results. The respondents were 56 women and 19 men. Out of them 30 (40%) were from Medical University of Lublin (MUL), 15 (20%) from University of Life Sciences (ULS), 21 from University of Marie Sklodowska-Curie (UMCS) (28%) and 9 from Lublin University of Technology (LUT) (LP) (12%). Their mean age was 22 years ± 1.1 (SD). More than half of the respondents were not interested in compulsory vaccinations before the COVID-19 pandemic. Only about 35% (18 persons) of people expressed a positive opinion about vaccines and they were students of MUL. Although 80% of respondents answered that the anti COVID-19 vaccine is necessary, but 81% thought that Poles had not enough knowledge about the vaccine. Students themselves most often obtained information about vaccines and ARVs from Internet.
Conclusion. Students of MUL were the most enthusiastic about mandatory vaccinations and anti COVID-19 immunization. Poles need more reliable information about vaccine to change their attitude towards it.
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