The pH of soaps, skin care products and cosmetics used in the period of COVID-19 pandemic
soaps, skin care products, pH, COVID19 pandemicAbstract
Introduction. Human skin is the outer cover of the body. It performs important functions for the entire organism, such as protection of internal organs. The skin also protects the body against the effects of the external environment, ensures the balance between the environment and the inside of organism. Due to the pandemic, all members of the public are encouraged to frequently wash or disinfect hands, which may lead to skin irritation.
Aim. The aim of the study was to check the pH of soaps, skin care products and selected cosmetics used in the period of COVID-19 pandemic.
Materials and methods. For pH determination the CP-105 pH meter manufactured by ELMETRON® (Poland) was used. A total of 111 products available on the Polish market were collected for testing. The results were compared with the pH of tap water samples.
Results. The soaps had mean pH of 5.04±1.04, shampoos 6.04±1.57, creams 6.87±0.1, products for depilation 9.8±3.06. All the values were within legal ranges.
Conclusion. The majority of skin and hair cosmetics have pH close to the pH of tap water. Chemical hair removal products have the most alkaline pH and therefore, require extreme caution as they can cause irritation.
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