Contemporary architecture and urban planning of urban multi-family housing, and the state of health of the society


  • Bartłomiej Jan Kożuchowski Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Poland Author
  • Bartłomiej Kwiatkowski Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Poland Author



architecture, urban planning, residents, health


Introduction. For years, the influence of place of residence on human health has been the subject of interest of researchers from various scientific disciplines. The basic task in shaping space is to create conditions for proper mental and physical development, the experience of beauty, family life, social and individual life. Biotechnology, psychology and sociology, taking into account technical and aesthetic requirements, are the main design criteria for residential buildings.The omission of the most important assumptions in the design of multi-family housing might be very harmful for residents and can be expressed, for example, in poor mood, reduced work efficiency, depression, an increase in the incidence of diseases and even an increase in mortality. Deepening knowledge about proper living conditions is very important in the pro-health aspect. 

Aim. An attempt to answer the question to what extent human development and life are subordinated to staying in specific rooms, dwellings, housing estate, district, and finally the city and the entire metropolitan foundation. 

Material and methods. This study is for demonstrative purposes based on a review of publications on the quality of life of residents of urban multi-family housing in the aspect of urban planning and architecture. 

Results. The correct insolation of residential premises, shapeof the block, the color and texture of the facade, the location and selection of greenery, lawns, paved surfaces and the layout of buildings are just some of the factors affecting the health of residents. Proper design, construction and operation reduce the presence of bacteria and mold fungi, which directly translates into microbiological health risks. 

Conclusions. For the proper existence of city dwellers, it is necessary to maximize the use of sunlight and to educate in the proper use of rooms. Raising health conditions, through both proper insolation and the location of flats, “urban interiors”, areas between residential buildings, thoroughfares, playgrounds, sports fields, recreational and recreational areas, directly translates into human health.


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