Renal-cell carcinoma – novel concepts of classification


  • Maria Pyda-Karwicka School of Medicine Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland / Holy Cross Cancer Center Kielce, Poland Author
  • Malwina Karwicka School of Medicine Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland Author
  • Magdalena Orłowska International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw, Poland Author
  • Mariusz Krata Internal Medicine Ward, Independent Public Healthcare Centre Szczebrzeszyn, Poland Author
  • Agnieszka Pedrycz Agnieszka Pedrycz Chair and Department of Histology and Embryology with Experimental Cytology Unit, Medical University in Lublin, Poland Author



renal cell carcinoma, novel cancer classification, PRCC characteristic


Renal cancer, according to the Polish National Cancer Registry, was the cause of 4% of cancer cases in men and 3% of cases in women in 2010. Most often it affects men over 65, although it may also concern infants. In 2010, the number of reported cases for men was 2,700 and 1,900 for women. For the last three decades – up to 1990, the incidence of kidney cancer has increased significantly. Currently, it remains at the stable level of morbidity. One of the most significant issues of modern diagnostics and treatment of renal cancer is the problem of its heterogeneity brin-ging many difficulties in systematization and categorization of this neoplasm. The World Health Organization Classification of Renal Tumors has been published in 2004 and is currently sup­plemented with new classification units, which, according to ISUP (International Society of Urological Pathology), should be considered as separate groups of kidney epithelial cancers. 


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