Organization of dental care – caries prophylaxis in children and teenagers in Poland
caries, dental health, children, teenagers, prophylaxisAbstract
Dental caries in children and teenagers is a social problem and an important element in public health. It stems from its high prevalence and the consequences of not implementing proper treatment are serious. Younger and younger children suffer from dental caries. When it is not treated, the consequences tend to be serious and costly. Pathogenesis of dental caries, methods of treatment and its prevention have been described based on available literature.
The decline in frequency of its appearance will be beneficial for both the sick and society. It will be possible thanks to an early introduction of caries prophylaxis. What is more, a change of mindset and lifestyle is highly recommended as well, not to mention the fact that full and easy access to dental care seems to be essential. All of the factors mentioned above are strictly connected with the proper organization of dental care providing special treatment for children and teenagers in Poland. Its scale should be wide and should cover such activities like teaching to brush one’s teeth properly, access to fluoridation or treatment provided in public dental surgeries located, for example, on school grounds. Current organization of dental care is dealing better and better with the issue concerned, however, to minimalize the risk of caries in children further changes should be introduced.
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