COVID-19 – as a global problem of public health


  • Bartłomiej Drop Zakład Informatyki i Statystyki Medycznej z Pracownią Zdalnego Nauczania, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie, Polska Author
  • Mariola Janiszewska Zakład Informatyki i Statystyki Medycznej z Pracownią Zdalnego Nauczania, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie, Polska Author
  • Katarzyna Drop Katarzyna Drop Katedra Języka, Retoryki i Prawa Mediów, Instytut Dziennikarstwa i Zarządzania, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Polska Author



coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, pandemic, globalization, public health


Encounter of the globalized world with the pandemic of new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 presents humanity of almost all countries in an unprecedented, dangerous situation. The new coronavirus is responsible for COVID-19 disease, which is currently the most important, international problem of public health. In the period from 31st December, 2019 to 12th April, 2020 as many as 1 734 913 COVID-19 cases were reported in the world, including 108 192 deaths. In Poland 6674 cases were reported, including 232 deaths. 
The coronavirus pandemic is not still under control, neither in the world nor in Europe, and chances for the disappearance of the problem during the next few months are small. The most important in counteraction of the virus transmission are prevention and control of epidemic. The necessary social distance should be maintained, protective masks should be worn and hand-hygiene procedures should be respected. Fast, reliable diagnostics, proper way of procedure in the case of infection, isolation rules implementation and, in the future, protective vaccinations are of a key importance in reduction of virus transmission in the population. 
At the same time, together with the COVID-19 pandemic emergence, collapse of the globalization rules may be observed, which manifests in closing borders, avoiding traveling, depending of competing countries on each other in the range of necessary medications or other critical resources. The emergence of the second wave of disease is probable, especially in the case of too early abolition of restrictions preventing virus transmission. Apart from reducing the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, efforts should be made to elaborate complex measures preventing future epidemics of animal origin. COVID-19 – as a global problem of public health


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