Evaluation of comprehensive ambulatory rehabilitation of people over 60 years of age


  • Magdalena Czarkowska Witold Chodźko Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland Author
  • Tomasz Saran Witold Chodźko Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland Author
  • Anna Mazur Department of General and Neurorehabilitation, Witold Chodźko Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland Author
  • Lech Panasiuk Witold Chodźko Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland Author




TINETTI, VAS, risk of falls , aggravation of pain, endurance training, physical activity of seniors


Introduction. The provision of adequate health care for a successively growing group of geriatric patients requires taking into account many factors in order to preserve and/or improve their overall health and the related functional capacity. Its crucial aspects include the ability to safely change position and locomotion, as well as the severity of discomfort from the osteoarticular system.

Aim. The objective of the present study was to assess the impact of comprehensive ambulatory rehabilitation including tailored endurance training, preceded by an ergospirometry test, on indicators showing the risk of falls and the severity of pain symptoms of patients aged 60 and over, receiving health services at the Outpatient Healthcare Home (DDOM).

Material and methods. The study involved 60 seniors during their rehabilitation cycle implemented as part of the services provided to patients at DDOM of the W. Chodźko Institute of Rural Health in Lublin. The tests were carried out in the test-retest model on the first and last day of the kinesiotherapy cycle. The Tinetti scale of the risk of falls, balance and walk and Visual Analogue Scale of the severity of pain sensations (VAS) were utilized in the research. The patient rehabilitation program at the DDOM included adapted systemic kinesiotherapy (endurance training with a load determined according to individual exercise capacity, as determined on the basis of the ergospirometry test) and local kinesiotherapy as well as physical therapy adapted to the needs resulting from the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

Results. After completing the rehabilitation cycle, the patients obtained higher scores, compared to the tests carried out before the beginning of the rehabilitation cycle, in the scales of Tinetti Questionnaire. There were also lower results of the respondents in VAS scale used to assess the severity of pain sensations.

Conclusions. As a result of the rehabilitation program applied, DDOM patients simultaneously obtained the desired changes in minimizing the risk of falls, improving the ability to maintain balance and fitness while walking, as well as reducing the severity of pain sensation.


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