Prevention of STI and teenage pregnancies through sex education
sex education, sexually transmitted infections, STI, adolescent, pregnancy, prophylaxis/preventionAbstract
Different names are used when referring to sex education, as well as there are different ways to teach the subject. Yet, it remains an essential part of the school curriculum. Using different curricula may yield various results. The content of sex education classes is dependent on various cultural and social aspects, specific to the certain country. In Poland, sex education-related topics are brought up during classes of Introduction to Family Planning, as it is called in Polish. The Ministry of Education is responsible for shaping sex education policies. The curriculum mostly focuses on STI-related diseases (including HIV/AIDS), contraceptive methods and teen pregnancy issues. Unfortunately, psychological aspects of sex or sexual assault subjects are rarely discussed upon.
As a result, sexual initiation often results in unwanted pregnancies or infections. Shame is a huge obstacle to effective communication on these topics between teens ant their parents. This shows the need for organizing educational meetings for parents or carers to help them start a conversation on this delicate subject with their kids. Sex education should be focused on presenting upright knowledge with medical accuracy, which will be an addition to the content provided by parents. Well-prepared teachers can have impact over lowering the rate of sexually transmitted infections and teenage pregnancies. Sex education has also a significant influence over promoting responsible sex and increasing teens’ awareness.
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