The preferences in selecting dietary supplements used in slimming


  • Izabela Cichocka Chair of Quantitative Methods in Economics, University of Information Technology and Management, Rzeszów, Poland Chair of Quantitative Methods in Economics, University of Information Technology and Management, Rzeszów, Poland Author
  • Jan Krupa Chair of Tourism and Recreation, University of Information Technology and Management, Rzeszów, Poland Author



dietary supplements, weight loss, women, preferences


Introduction. The interest in weight loss supplements can be noticed in Poland at the moment. It is related to people’s trying to look good as fast as possible. The pharmaceutical market puts an emphasis only on the benefits and majority of the people purchasing the supplements do not regard doctor’s advice as necessary. Therefore, in order to learn about consumers’ awareness about the use of dietary supplements is gaining importance. 

Aim. The objective of the study was to gain knowledge about choice preferences of dietary supplements used in weight loss, like also to learn about consumer’s awareness about the use of dietary supplements. 

Material and methods. An anonymous survey was conducted in Mielec in 2015 among 112 women. The questionnaire included questions concerning their knowledge of dietary supplements, the type and amount of consumption, the reasons for using supplements, benefits and health risks of their use. 

Results. 90.2% of women admitted that they are using or they used dietary supplements in order to reduce weight. Respondents most often derive the information about these preparations from the pharmacist (62.5%), television (46.4%), a doctor (36.6%), radio (30.4%), the Internet (29.5%). 72.4% of female respondents pay attention to the composition of dietary supplement, with the emphasis on the amount of the ingredients (64.3%), its dosage (55.4%), the origin of the ingredients (natural or synthetic) (37.5%). Female respondents prefer dietary supplements either in the form of tablets (83.9%) and capsules (54.7%), as well as in liquid (52.7%). 

Conclusions. Respondents showed an increased interest in supplements used for weight loss and they usually use it in forms of tablets and capsules. As the role of the Internet increases, it is necessary to educate consumers about ability to search reliable sources of information about dietary supplements used for weight loss. 


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