Awareness of knowledge about the problem of human papillomavirus infections and HPV vaccination in a group of female students beginning their studies at universities in Lublin


  • Gustaw Chołubek Diagnostic Techniques Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences of the Medical University in Lublin, Poland Author
  • Krzysztof Wiktor Chair and Department of Gynecology and Gynecological Endocrinology, Medical University in Lublin, Poland Author
  • Karolina Małek Graduate, Medical University in Lublin, Poland Author
  • Dorota Robak-Chołubek The Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Gynecological and Obstetric Nursing, Medical University in Lublin, Poland Author



HPV infections, cervical cancer, HPV vaccination, knowledge about HPV


Introduction. HPV infection is one of the most common type of sexually transmitted infections and it is a significant epidemiological problem all over the world. The risk of infection persistence and its progression to pathological, precancerous lesions depends on HPV type. Vaccinations against HPV virus are one of the elements of the prophylactic program and allow for early detection of cervical cancer. 

Aim. Aim of the study was analysis of awareness of problems of human papillomavirus infections and cervical cancer prevention, including vaccinations against HPV among female students commencing studies in Lublin. 

Material and methods. The research group included 400 women selected at random, all starting their studies at five universities in Lublin. The research group was supposed to show some general knowledge of the problem of cervical cancer among young women. It was also to define how many of them benefited from the prophylaxis of getting a vaccination against HPV. The scientific tool was individually elaborated survey questionnaire. Obtained study results were then subject to statistical analysis. 

Results. The majority of respondents were not vaccinated against HPV – only 2.5% of the surveyed confirmed that they had been vaccinated. The surveyed students most frequently evaluated their knowledge on prevention of HPV cervical cancer as poor. The surveyed who admitted having information about HPV and cervical cancer prophylaxis during their classes at school significantly more frequently had high level of knowledge than women who claimed not to obtain such information at school (p=0.002). 

Conclusions. It might make sense to conduct planned comparative studies in the centers practicing population vaccinations among girls aged 12-13 and not practicing such primary prophylaxis with cytological follow-ups. It may allow to elaborate the effective model of cervical cancer prophylaxis based on early educational activities, both on primary and secondary prophylaxis. 


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