Sociomedical and epidemiological analysis of patients aged 18-34 years visiting the dental office
oral health, adults, DMF index, dental visit, PolandAbstract
Introduction. Carelessness in caring for oral cavity in adults may contribute to severity of dental caries, periodontal diseases and diseases of mucous membranes that pose a risk to health of both dental and systemic character.
Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between selected demographic factors and the cause of visiting the dental practitioner and the dental health status in adults.
Material and methods. The study comprised 194 patients, aged 18-34 who visited in 2015 one of the dental offices in Lublin, which offers treatment under the framework of an agreement with the National Health Fund or for a fee. Gender, age, the place of residence and the reason for visiting the dental office were analyzed. The place of residence was a village, a town of less than 200 thousand inhabitants or the city of more than 200 thousand inhabitants. The reason for visiting the dental office was a checkup visit, loss of filling or a toothache. Dental condition was assessed by calculating the DMF index. The results were statistically analyzed.
Results. In the group of respondents, women accounted for 53.62%, and men – 45.88%. The prevalence of dental caries was 100% and the incidence expressed by the mean DMF index was 14.64±5.78, and increased with age. The main reason for visiting the dentist for 65.46% of respondents was a check-up visit, for 17.53% – loss of filling and for 17.01% – a toothache. The lowest incidence of tooth decay was found in people visiting the dentist for a check-up, higher in patients appearing with the loss of filling and toothache.
Conclusions. A high percentage of people visiting the dentist because of toothache, confirms the low level of health-related knowledge in adult patients. High incidence of tooth decay proves the need to intensify preventive measures against the carious disease in adults. It is necessary to intensify educational activities and programs addressed to the adult part of Polish society to prevent the development of dental caries.
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