Economic aspect of treatment in geriatrics
geriatrics, comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA), economy, multiple morbidities, treatment, calculation, costsAbstract
Introduction. There are few publications related to the economic analysis of the cost of care and treatment of geriatric patients as compared with other fields of medicine. Aging of the population, especially in highly civilized countries is inevitable. Cost index is used in the literature to analyse the utility costs. They reflect the so-called cost-effectiveness of medical procedures with the estimated remaining number of years adjusted quality of life.
Aim. Economic evaluation of treatment in geriatrics. Rating demographic and economic situation in Poland on the basis of statistical data.
Material and methods. PubMed database was searched through and the base of Polish Central Statistical Office (CSO) was used. Qualified articles on the economic efficiency of the treatment of older people in terms of coexistence of multi morbidity were used for the analysis. Also, the existing legal acts and publications of the Polish National Health Fund, the reports from the Supreme Chamber of Control, data from the CSO, the Ministry of Health and Social Insurance Office were taken into account. Statistical analyses were performed basing on data from the CSO.
Conclusions. Multiple morbidities are usually correlated with a significant increase in the use of resources, as it “multiplies” the costs of health and social care. The incidence of comorbidities has increased due to the effectiveness of treatment of chronic diseases, such as cancer, together with the increasing age of the patients. So there is a need for a system of health and social care, which will take into account the economics, and which will evolve and follow the problems that emerge. First of all, the authors recognize the need to create a properly equipped hospital wards and geriatric clinic. It is also important to take into account the cost-incurrence of geriatric treatment so that the provider would have the ability to optimally treat patients comprehensively and not only their singular particular diseases.
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