Sexual activity of women – selected issues


  • Aleksandra Słopiecka Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, The Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland Author



women, sexuality, health


Introduction. Today, a lot of people’s dreams are about attaining a sense of satisfaction from sexual life, staying sexually transmitted diseases (STD) – free or avoiding any infirmity and sexual violence. The overall change in people’s attitudes toward sexuality and numerous hazards involved in risky behaviors calls for some scientific research focused on sexual life to be undertaken.

Aim. The aim of this study was to present selected issues concerning sexual activity of women.

Material and methods. 210 women aged 18 to 73 years with a diagnosis of a disease of the reproductive organ. The participants were being hospitalized at one of four gynecological departments. A diagnostic survey using the author’s own questionnaire was performed.

Results. On average, the respondents had sex for the first time at the age range of 19 to 22 (45.7%). Most respondents have had one partner during their life (67.0%). Some 39.3% of the respondents admitted to have sex on a regular basis.

Conclusions. 1. Early sexual onset was mostly preferred by both younger women and respondents reporting the lowest level of education. 2. Irregular and sporadic sexual contacts were common for women holding a primary or vocational educa­tion degree. 3. It is recommended that selected characteristics of sexual activity of women, particularly regarding the number of partners and sexual initiation, were subject to periodic epidemiological analysis as the potential health risk factors.


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